- Types of Churches
- The Patriarchal/Matriarchal Church (Under 50 active members)
- The Pastoral Church (50 to 150 active members)
- The Program Church (150 to 300 active members)
- The Corporate Church (350 or more active members)
- The Integral Church
- Types of Ministry
- Special Portfolio Ministries
- Study Groups
- Teaching Centers
- Churches
- Online Ministry– Marketing your Ministry
- Other
- Preparation for Candidating or Interview Process
- Advantages and disadvantages of various positions.
- Founding Minister
- Mechanics of starting a new church
- The entrepreneurial spirit
- Financing
- Following a well-liked Minister
- Following a disliked Minister
- Coming into a healthy Center/Church
- Expectations
- Honoring the past
- Creating the future
- Assistant Minister
- Staff Minister
- Relationship to the Senior Minister
iii. Coming into a less than healthy Center/Church
Interviewing your new Church or Organization
- The Co-creation process
- The “business” documentation
- Affiliation Agreement
- Ministerial Code
- Licentiate Reports
- Mentor Ministers
- Regional Support Coordinators
- CSL Headquarters Departments
iii. Bylaws
- Record Keeping
- Practitioner Records
- Membership Records
- Contributions
- Address & contact lists
- Education Code & Records for Certificated Classes
- Compensation packages & Letter of Call
- Clergy tax law
- Housing allowance
iii. Expenses covered
- Classes & ceremonies
- Benefit packages
- Continuing education
vii. Travel (Spiritual Convention, Convocation, Conferences, etc.)
- Your talents and how they can be used
- Their opportunities and how they fit with your goals
- Congregation or community being served
- Structure
- Relationship to the Board of Trustees or Leadership Council
- Authority & accountability
iii. Delegation of responsibilities
- Checks and balances
- Information and Communication — Think Globally, Act Locally
Our Message to the world, to your community
- Sunday messages
- Newsletters
- Electronic media
- Outreach
- Community events
- Community involvement
- The Global Heart
- Closing
Clergy Tax Law
Retirement Fund Opting out of Social Security – why and why not
Codes, Model By-laws, affiliation Agreement, Organization of Church Records
People and Ceremonies in Ministry
People within your ministry – Volunteers, Core Council/Board
Using Your Mentor
Making the Transition into Ministry, First 100 Days
Installation Ceremony